Best DAC Under $5000 - Opinions Please

Anyone have any thoughts? I am on the great DAC hunt and need to get a list together of DACs to audition. Thanks...Mike
Mike , I prefer the Theta DAC's (I have the Theta Gen Va and will update ASAP) but everyone hears differently and it would certainly make a difference what equipment you are going to be running.Take your time,don't read reviews and go out and listen yourself. Set up an appointment, tell them what equipment you want hooked up to the DAC that you are going to listen to and take along your favorite CD's.Buying Theta is like an investment as you can always upgrade!
having had 2 other very good dacs,,kora hermes and altis reference dac the dodson 217 mkIId is by far the best i have heard. all my red book cds sound so much more analogue and the detail retrieval and rhythm is amazing.
There's a super-rave review of the updated Dodson DAC in the current issue of Ultimate Audio. Seems spendy, though.
The Audio Logic 2400 cannot be beat at this price range. Jerry Ozmet the designer is a genius. I think the only better DACs are the 10K Levinson or the DCS stuff. The 360S is an excellent DAC, but the 2400 has more microdynamic control, clarity, and depth.
I have not heard the MSB Tech. Link Platinum, but it is on my short list with the Camelot Uther Mk III V. 2 (or whatever it is).