Best digital cable below $500

I currently use a harmonic tech platium digital interconnect and am wondering if a better interconnect would make a difference. My system consists of a Theta basic II transport feeding a camelot uther IV going directly into a pass labs alpeh 5 amp to AP Virgo II speakers. Anolog interconnects are Tara labs air 1 and speaker cable is tara labs air2. Thanks in advance for your input.
There is none! The word "best" is relative in this case meaning "best" is certainly system dependent, so "best" most likely means something different in different systems.

Now, you have described your system so theoretically it should be simple to have someone tell you whats best, right?

Rephrase your question to read, "I need some SUGGESTIONS for a digital cable below $500. . .here are my system components." Again, because there is no "Best" digital cable below $500.

No offense here. It's just that I am persnickety about how people phrase a question when they many times mean something else. Let's face it Audio is about accuracy to the source. So is the English language.

So, what does all this mean? It means solicit suggestions from others and use your own two ears to evaluate them. Then there will be a "best" cable for your system.
Acoustic Zen MC2 works well for my system. Wadia 23 (used as transport) to Audiomeca Enkianthus X DAC.
I tried several others from Signal Cable, to your HT and the Kimber Orchid. All very good, but I found the AZ best for me.
All SS gear, listen to mostly classical.

Good luck in your search.
I don't believe in the "system dependent" rap. A great cable (especially digital) is a great cable. Worthy contenders in this category I'd include i2 digital, Audience, Ridge Street Audio MSE Gen II and the new VenHaus.
I'm very happy with a balanced Tara Decade digital cable between my Data Basic II and Gen Va. Since you seem to like Tara, why not try their Air digital?