Best floorstanding speakers less than $500

Any thoughts on sub-$500 floorstanders? Am I better off going with bookshelves at that price point?

Amp is a tube based Onix SP3 MKII. I can get a new pair of Wharfedale Diamond 9.6's for around $425 right now. Any thoughts? I don't have any issues with going used either!
Ag insider logo xs@2xuncledavid218
Don't sweat it. You can get that sound by choosing the right tubes for your amp. Go new Chinese or Russian, or NOS Amperex A-frames, or, maybe NOS German/Siemens and their ilk.
You, already, have an an amp that's not warm. It's "neutral". So, it shouldn't be very hard.
For example, new, reissued Tung Sols, etc.
Ask Kevin Deal at Upscale Audio. He'll set you up right.
The Wharfedales are very nice for the money.TSTO sells the 9.4 for $299.They also sell the Mordaunt Short MS-914 for less than $400.I have the 902 bookshelf version (in my wife's sitting room) and they look and sound great! The MS speakers do feature a bright,clear sound from their metal dome tweeters.
It's now TSO Sound and Vision.Used to be The Stereo Trading Outlet(in Jenkintown,PA)
Check out the Energy speakers at less then 1/2 off and free shipping, these might fit your bill: