Best Full Range Speakers @ Around $2000?

I'm looking to put together a "small" system for my den (Int.Amp, CD Player, Speakers) I have a pair of Alon I Loudspeakers that I'm considering using, but they now seem a bit too colored to my ears, especially in the upper bass. I have a Marantz CD-63SE that I'll be using as my CD source. So I just need an Int. Amp and a set of full range speakers that are VERY EASY TO PLACE. My den is about 16 X 20 x 8. My budget for each is around $2000. Any favorites?
The Hales Revelation 3 speakers (New$2200.) are very exceptional speakers for the money.They made a very solid B+ rating(borderline A) from Stereophile and were recommended to anyone in the $5000. or even slightly higher range.Special designed enclosures and designed woofers and top capacitors,a special designed crossover,Cardas wiring and Cardas Gold plated solid copper binding posts.Read the owner reviews at and the review at Check out the speaker site at .Happy listening.
*true* full-range? bass response down to 20hz, +/-2db? try used thiel 3.5's; if ya must spend $2k, then buy *two* pairs, & run 'em back-to-back! ;~) this, actually, is what mr. thiel recommends doing w/his speakers, in lieu of bi-amping, which is why his recent models don't have more than one pair of rca's... the thiels are also quite accurate & detailed, & image great for a big speaker.
Thanks to all of the above. I was already thinking of checking out the Hales speakers; I've heard allot of great things about them. And no Sedond, not "real" full range down to 20hz. A speaker like that would probably overwhelm my room. I will consider others in the Thiel line though, such as the 1.5's as suggested by A_e_watkins. My only concern with Thiel is finding an integrated amp that can handle the tough load that many Theil speakers present. Any thoughts? BTW, I'm also considering a pair of monitor speakers instead of "full range" floorstanders. Any favorites?
On the used market Von Schweikert VR-4 originals can not be beat in the full range department. I mean true full range, not 30hz a above but real 20hz stuff. They are not the best midrange, or treble when compared directly to the big guns Thiel, or Meadowlark, etc. but when all around performance is taken into account the speaker absolutly rocks. Easy to place, wellllll, thats another story. I am driving mine with a Belles 150A Hot Rod which has 100 watts and it seems to drive them to louder than I care to listen levels. Anyway good luck. My2$.
my thiel 3.5's - an *especially* difficult load, due to their bass equalizer (which is how they go down to 20hz) - are currently being used in a 2nd system in my kitchen (big kitchen!). they're being driven by a 35wpc audio innovations integrated, and they get *plenty* loud. if ya find a decent integrated w/lotsa current that will increase wattage as the ohms drop (the 3.5's are a 4-ohm load), yule be all right. re: monitors, i like proacs, aerial, diapason, jm labs, merets, sonus fabers. most monitors, will take up the same space as floor-standers, properly set-up w/stands. but, yule usually get better sound in *all* areas above 100hz, by foregoing *any* real output below ~50hz, at any given price-point, imho... my main set-up has a pair of meret re's, x'd over at 60hz to a pair of vmps larger subs. i like the monitor/sub solution to full-range sound at a somewhat reasonable price. - easier to set-up each speaker to optimize what it does best, &, as said before, i tink monitors do thing floor-stander's can't, at any given price-point.