Best Integrated Amp Of All Times?

According to you, what is the best integrated amp of all times?
For sheer value the Rogue Audio Cronus is my current winner by a long shot, having owned Rotel and Jolida previously.
The Qinpu A-8000 is probably the best sounding integrated I've heard to date; works well with a wide variety of speakers too.
Ive just recieved my Qinpu A-8000 MkII.I thought my Jolida JD-300b sounded good with my Tyler PD-30s.Well the Qinpu not only took it to another level,it took it out of orbit! I dont believe you can touch this amp at its price!I thought I was happy with the PD-30s before....Im like a pig in sh-- Wow!
The "best" integrated amp ... the one I have now, as this is it ... no more after this one. I want to go out, er ... "get out," thinking that I couldn't have done any better, given desired and necessary limitations, of course!

Almarro A318B ... hooked up to a new (August 06) Lector 0.6T via Guerrilla silver ICs, and Cain SuperAbbys w/one Bailey via DHLabs double-runs of 14 ga. I'm totally pleased, more than at any time in recent memory ... for a lot less money.
I'm borrowing a friend's Densen DM-10 solid state integrated. 75 wpc into 8 ohms, 80,000mf of capacitance. Great unit with absolutely black background, laser imaging, and oustanding resolution. Sounds like tubes to me, although the amp is extremely revealing of components upstream and of wire. There have been excellent reviews of this integrated over the years, and it certainly impresses me.

I'd say it'd be a great match with speakers that are a bit laid back and have forgiving tweeters.

I can't say it's the best integrated of all time, but it nearly equals the performance of my separates costing 6 times as much.