Best integrated amp with MartinLogan Aerius

Hi, I just bought a used pair of MartinLogan The Aerius speakers and need to buy an integrated amp to use with them. My understanding is that these speakers, like all electrostats, present a fairly difficult load (nominal 4 ohm but decreasing to <2 ohm at high frequencies). I don't have a huge budget but was considering the Creek 5350SE or the Musical Fidelity A3.2. Would either of these be a good match? Any other suggestions in the <$1000 range (either used or new). Note: I mostly play acoustic and vocals (big Alison Krauss fan)...not a heavy metal or Mahler fan :-)

I'm a new member of AudiogoN and enjoying the forums. Thank you for your help.

I would go with the Creek. They have always been very good amps at handling difficult loads.
I have never owned the Aerius speakers, but I can still confidently recommend a Bryston B60 integrated amp. This was the amp I owned (and really loved) prior to getting my present Plinius 8200 mkII. I recommend it for two reasons:

First, the midrange is gorgeous. Absolutely heavenly with female vocals and very sweet sounding with acoustic music. It literally put a smile on my face many late nights. In my experience it just lacked punch, but your stated listening preferences suggest that this will not be a factor for you.

Second, I recall that the Stereophile reviewer (Sam Tellig?) for the B60 purchased them to mate with his ML Aerius speakers. I take this to mean they would be a good match for this amp. He liked the combination for choral music. Again, the glorious midrange.

The B60 needs a replacement jumper cable (~$30), but you can still get it used for a few hundred less than a used Creek (which I haven't heard). I'd guess in the $700-800 range. Add to that 10+ years of trouble free warrantee and it is very worth a listen. (Also, the B60 is 100 watts into a 4 ohm load; 60 watts into an 8 ohm load.)

Good luck!
I would also take a look at a classe (a CAP 150/151 or 80, or maybe a Plinius 8100. Could throw in the Portal Panache at the upper end of the price range.

The MuFI 3.2 would work, and I think is a better option than Creek (not a creek fan, personally) as would an x-150.

I think my choice would be a Classe or Plinius 8100 from the ones listed above.

If you like Alison Krauss, you made a great choice with the Aerius. I had that speaker a while back and loved it, espeically with her voice. As far as Rob's suggestion of the antique sound labs 1001, that was what I used to power my logans. It was a huge mistake. Not enough power and not appropriate for those speakers. I currently have the x150, and have a feeling that would be a much better choice, as would the 3.2. Also, I would look into the classe as mimberman points out.