Best Joni Mitchel Album

Wanted to collect a few as I seem to be into female voices lately. Was wondering what you guys thought some of her best works were? Thanks in advance.

I have a thing about playing Hejira, I play it during the first snowfall of the year. Somehow seems appropriate. I have the Nautilus "Court and Spark" also my favorite. Hejira and Court and Spart are my two favorites. I have a Japanese pressing of Hejira, too bad MFSL didn't do a vinyl pressing of it.
Ditto Elizabeth et al...Blue and Court and Spark are the two best in my opinion.

Tough to get any better than Carey and California off of Blue (especially the gold CD on a good system)...though top to bottom, i may prefer Court and Spark ever so slightly.
Hejira, Blue and her first, the underappreciated Song to a Seagull. I've always thought of Court and Spark as her pop sellout album. Agree with Rec about Song to Sharon as a system eval favorite. And I think it's her greatest song, too.
I love her "Mingus" album. Moody jazz and mind blowing bass ala Jaco Pastorius. "Blue", "Ladies of the Canyon", "Court and Spark", "Don Juan's Restless Daughter" are essential Joni...