Best Joni Mitchel Album

Wanted to collect a few as I seem to be into female voices lately. Was wondering what you guys thought some of her best works were? Thanks in advance.

Hejira, Blue and her first, the underappreciated Song to a Seagull. I've always thought of Court and Spark as her pop sellout album. Agree with Rec about Song to Sharon as a system eval favorite. And I think it's her greatest song, too.
I love her "Mingus" album. Moody jazz and mind blowing bass ala Jaco Pastorius. "Blue", "Ladies of the Canyon", "Court and Spark", "Don Juan's Restless Daughter" are essential Joni...
If you're gonna get just one, go for Miles of Aisles. Good cross-section of her work up to that point, GREAT band, good live recording.
Wonderful Joni Mitchell fans. But it took until the 12th post to get the real jewel of her crown: For The Roses. Thanks to Musicslug for opening the door.

Kind of agree on Court and Spark -- a bit sellout but really entertaining. Blue is in a class by itself but not at the level of For the Roses. As for Hissing of Summer Lawns -- solid but not on the top tier.

For the Roses -- contents: Neil Young angst (Blonde in the Bleachers); fame angst (Judgment of Moon and Stars; more romance angst (Woman of Heart and Mind) and some truly edgy stuff (Cold Blue Steel and Sweet Fire). I realize I'm in a minority here but the lyrics and chord work of this album are worth taking the time to really listen to.

Anway, JM2C. If you have to listen to in on digital -- find yourself an HDCD decoder and the HDCD version. Otherwise -- vinyl all the way.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
