Best looking / worst looking amps & preamps

OK, this week we garnered opinions on the best looking and ugliest speakers. Now it's time to assess the best looking and worst looking amps and preamps. To make the discussion more focused, let's confine choices to amps and preamps manufactured since 1980. Ready....GO!
I guess I would call Blue Circle funky. Most like the glowing blue circle, but few are neutral about the wood knobs, which seem to have a love/hate response. I agree that the YBA gear looks nice. There are lots of nice looking tube amps.
Steve, you hit that one on the head with the Ampzilla and Blowtorch. The Blowtorch reminds me of Klaus' Odyssey preamp that's been out for a few years now. They both make use of those steroid sized knobs. Sean
I see in Audio Advisor that Perreaux has redesigned and dramatically (improved) the appearance of their amps and pre-amps. They now look more "industrial" and more conventional (and pretty good!). It was a previous series that was so gross-- don't want to grind Perreaux into the mud-- they probably sound good. Cheers. Craig
Well, on the Ampzilla 2000, don't go to the SAE website and suggest you think its ugly, as your heritage, your manhood/womanhood, heritage, taste and upbringing will be brought into question in an attempt to leave it forever smarting.
I like blue lights so I'd like to nominate the new Pass X Series and the Hovland amps for good looks. I agree the Perreaux blob style was a turnoff, and their new look is much more palatable.