BEST match for B&W Natilus 802s

i am seriously considering buying these speakers solely on the combination with classe amp. for me the combination can sound a bit analytical and too precise. has anyone heard a good amp around classe range with the 802s? please let me know
The best I have heard with the 802N series is VTL MB-450's. But I have heard them with Classe Mono's and sounded great also. A lot can be done with a tube or SS preamp. Try bel Canto amps monoblocked with a quality tube PRE. You may be happy with the combo. Careful use of cables is important. Stick with Copper and little Silver to keep the "edge" down or too neutral.
I have recently listened to B&W 803 and Krell. And believe me, it was disaster. The worst system I had heard for a quite some time.

I have actually had a set of 5 of the new B&W "D" model sperakers in my home recently to demo with my full Chord Electronics A/V System and they sounded fanatastic together on everything I could throw at them! I have a Chord DSP 8000 processor, 2 Chord SPM 6000 mono-amp on the front L&R's and 2 Chord SPM 1200c's driving the center and rear surrounds with Chord top-of-the-line cables on everything. I would highly recommend the B&W and Chord combo as i think you will really like it! FYI, in the end I bought a full compliment of Mbl speakers instead of the B&W's for personal preference only.
I run my 802's with 2 Pass Aleph 5 60 watt amps and they sound fantastic. However my room is not that big so you'll probably want amps with more balls. Check out Bryston or Ayre.
I paired a set of 804's with the new Krell integrated amp, the KAV-400xi, 200 wpc. Sounded great, even w/ a crappy Sony carousel CDP. Less than 2500 bucks, much cheaper than most of these other fine recommedations.