Best Match for Dynaudio Contour S3.4?

Amp Budget $2400. Peachtree Nova Preamp/DAC, Ocos II speaker cables, and a short list of amps as follows; Odyssey Stratos Mono Extremes, Spectron Musician III MkII Se, Plinius P8 (modified), Mark Levinson 331.

I loved the sound of the Plinius 9200 paired with the Dyns, but I was not using the preamp section so I sold it. Might be regretting this... But now I am seeing if I can do the same or better for under $2400.

Who has some experience with any of these combinations that could opine here about their preferences and why. I listen to a lot of soft rock and blues mostly (Steely Dan, John Mayer, Buddy Guy, SRV, etc) as well as female vocalists (from Patricia Barber to Joss Stone and Sarah Vaughan). Well recorded jazz is cool, but classical is not my thing.

Well, I am sorry to say that the ARC 100.2 was a nearly total disappointment. Although a very musical amp, there was very little in the way of bass extension or slam. In fact, there was no slam at all. In my system, all other things being equal, this amp was the leanest most polite portrayer of the lower frequencies than anything that has come before (Plinius 9200, McCormack DNA-225, Odyssey Stratos Monos, and even the Adcom GFA-555!!) Perhaps with different speakers, a different preamp or a different room, the ARC might have worked. But in my system.... not so much.

So I am back to the drawing board again. Looking at a Wyred 4 Sound ST-1000 or maybe going back to the Plinius P-8/P-10. Need to stay under $2000. Anyone care to weigh in on how the W4S amps have worked for you?
I feel bad about that bum steer. I really enjoyed listing to the ARC-Contour combination, but it was with an ARC pre and a really good Simaudio CDP. The fact that you have enjoyed the Contours with a different amp indicates there is a path to happiness with the rest of your current set up. Holding out for an affordable Plinius amp might be a safe bet.
Hey Knownothing, please do not feel bad. You were not the only one who steered me in this direction. The guy I bought the amp from had the same speakers as me, and he loved the combo. Go figure. I initially suspected there was something wrong with the amp and was gonna ship it back to ARC but I think the amp is fine, just not to my liking or not a good match with my other gear.

I would love to hear other AG'ers thoughts on the W4S products. I'm a little pissed I didn't pick up that mint Plinius P-10 that was for sale a week or so ago.
I have used the Plinius-Dyn pair for many years, currently still have a 9200 in a 2nd system. I have heard in many occasions the 9200 vs an M8-SA102 on same system, same music. If you were happy with the 9200, you will be elated with the separates. If your preamp is not too far off compared to an M8 IMO a used SA102 is your safe ticket if you wish to bring back or better what you used to like with your 9200.
Thanks Noel. I am using a Peachtree Nova as my Preamp/DAC. The M8 is better for sure. The main reason I did not get an SA-100 mkIII or and SA-102 was because these amps don't fit in my rack. The second reason was heat. And the third was because some people have said that the SA series was not authoritative enough - or it lacked life - or comments of that nature. So... can you say more about which Dyn speakers you have paired these amps with? I appreciate your comments.