Best Pre-amp under 7k

I am looking for a new preamp to fit my system: Theta miles CD, Pass Aleph 3, Proac 2.5, basis 1400 with graham 2.0 and grado reference. I have an audio research PH3SE as my phono stage so I dont need one. Have been looking at Rowland Synergy, Levinson 380S, Hovland, Thor and Audio Research LS25. I enjoy the liquid sound of tubes but highly regard the detail and bass slam from solid state (i.e. Levinson gear). What is the best preamp for my sytem to provide me with detail, superb imaging, tight bass, and a smooth sound? If I have to choose between detail/superb imaging and liquid sound, I would go with the detail/imaging. Thanks for any help in this mind-bending saga!!
Thanks, Snook2. I didn't think you were bashing CAT. I tried to take pains to make sure that you wouldn't think that I did think you were bashing it. I had just heard you speak about the Aloia before, and I wanted to know what made it so good. Thanks again. I'll go listen to it.
I had the Presense Delux and found the same issues with gain as Evansdad is reported. It was a good preamp but it lacked transparency. When I replaced it with the Aloia Inductive I made the right choice. Its transparency and dynamics are equal to the EVS Ultimate Attenuator I had in my system but it does that special gain thing that most amps need without adding its own sonic signature (has lots of body too). I hate preamps but they are a necessary evil.