Best Quality Recording On Vynil

I wonder what you consider the best recorded vinyl you ever listened. I've heard that Pink Floyd's `Dark Side Of The Moon` remains to be "unbeatable" in terms of recording quality.... I am sure many would have a different opinion on this. I know that there are some fellow audiophiles there who test new electronics with the albums they consider to be "best ever - period". Please post your opinion what albums they are!
Sdcampbell's comments are right on target for me, and I'll largely just add "ditto" - including the recommended labels for classical music. My additions would be: (1) many of the reissues of the RCA, DECCA and Mercury classical LPs are superb, and (2) those who enjoy classical music should explore Arthur Salvatore's "Supreme Recordings" list (all vinyl). I agree with virtually all of his recommendations based on sonics. (Don't miss the detailed descriptions on succeeding pages of his web site.)
The best vynil isn't for me the albumn with the best sonics etc. It is for most vynil users I know, the ones that moves you, sends shivers down your back. Even, move you to tears.
If you cannot get that from your equipment, go to the next choice, what album to you what to play again as soon as it has finished.
Cheers Tabard
I once owned an early, early copy of "Dark Side of the Moon" when it was first released. I was just a college sophomore when I bought it. Somehwere along the way, I decided to include it among a ton of albums I sold to Aron's Records in Hollywood. I wish I never got rid of it now. It was definitely a well-produced recording. By contrast, I have a British Harvest/EMI copy of Pink Floyd's "Meddle," and I think this album sounds horrible. Not in the same league with "Dark Side." Just my opinion.
Hi again, I'v just listened to Dark Side again (Anniversary reissue 180grm vynil) up against my SACD version playsed through a Shanling 200 (upgraded and on a Tabard Trampalene base, but not the T/T) Verdict SACD a little more dynamic but vynil got my feet tapping. Interestingly on SACD you can easily here wow at end of Great Gig in the Skie but on my Sota there is no wow (you figue) As for best recording, NO, foot tapping is good but not good enough, keep exploring,