Best relatively Compact Speakers in $2000 range??

I love my Revel F30s, but the room I have them in is very small and as many of you know the F30s are VERY bulky - not to mention they really need to be spaced from the back wall. Is there a more compact alternative in the $2000 (used) range that will give me similar performance, especially the pristine voice coil and exceptional bass extension of the F30s?? I'm also a great fan of the F30s treble adjustment, as I prefer a more natural, mellow sound. I've heard mention of the ProAc Response 3s but I have yet to find any dimensional information on them. Other suggestions?? System info: Citation 5.1 bridged amp/Conrad Johnson PV-10AL Pre/Music Hall CD-25/music meter ICs/Harmonic Tech wire
Why look any farther than the Revel line. The M20 is a sweet speaker! Priced right in your range.
I would highly reccomend the Von Schweikert VR-2's. The list price on a brand new pair is $2499. It's still early for all the audiophile-press buzz, but I've had a pair for roughly three weeks, and they are stellar. They do have an adjustment that can be made to the rear-firing tweeter that effects the treble. They can do 25Hz bass, and respond well to a mere 8" placement off the back wall. The footprint is also relatively small. I compared this speaker to some "flagship" editions, and the VR-2 was an easy choice. They can also be driven well by SET amplification.
I can suggest Tyler Reference Monitors, used about $1600.00 with stands, just a fantastic detailed speaker with workmanship on the cabinets as nice as it gets. Plus Ty the owner is very easy and plesant to work with.
I auditioned both the F30 and the M20, and actually preferred the M20. (Stereophile seems to agree--M20 is Class A, F30 is B.) So I'll second the M20 recommendation.