Best Sonos ZP-80 Mod?

Anyone with first hand experience with a modded Sonos?

I've seen a few ads, though would like to know whose leading the pack.

My ripping is Lossless and I am currently running my ZP-80 through a Meitner BIDAT

I am also interested, as long as it is under 1K (more like $700). Come on big brains of the industry sweat a little and give us something that we can afford.
I know that Joseph Chow (Audio Horizons) has developed a ZP80 power supply upgrade which I am beta testing. It delivers a significant improvement to the music. My reference for comparison was a Levinson 37 transport which had been upgraded. When Sonos performance matched it, I sold the Levinson.
I use FLAC files from a network storage device, and play through the ZP80 digital output to an Audio Horizons tube DAC.
In order to get the best signal, both the transmitting and receiving ZP80 power supplies should be upgraded.
I am very interested as well. I spent some time looking at the Cullen Circuits upgrade and it seems pretty solid though I wish it included a mod to the power supply as well.

Cedar, I wonder if the power supply from Mr. Chow can be used in conjunction with the Cullen Circuits mod? Do you mind if I ask how much the mod was?
I am very interested as well. I spent some time looking at the Cullen Circuits upgrade and it seems pretty solid though I wish it included a mod to the power supply as well.

Cedar, I wonder if the power supply from Mr. Chow can be used in conjunction with the Cullen Circuits mod? Do you mind if I ask how much the mod was?