Best Speaker for audiophile-grade small room rig

I am looking for the ideal loudspeaker for a high-end office-based system.

The room poses a challenge at only 10' x 10'. Electronics are the Musical Fidelity Tri-Vista integrated amp and SACD player. Kimber Select KS-3033 cables.

Listening preferences: rock, pop and female vocals.

Thanks in advance, Jeff
I would suggest you to listen to:
Dynaudio S 25 & Conf' 1 & Cont' 1.4
JMLab Micro Utopia Be
Totem Mani-2/1S
Revel M22
Kef R201
B&W 805S
Harbeth M40
Atc 20SL
Sonus Faber Guarneri Homage
Near field speakers is the way to go in a small room.

Remember, when using monitor speakers, a set of good stands is required or else you're not able to hear the lower frequencies clearly.
Be sure to try them in your room. I do not have a large room either. I found that rear ported speakers did not work well in my room. See my system if you like. I have some changes planned, but it sounds good now. Also, I recently upgraded to Osiris stands. The advice about good stands for monitors is correct.
That'a a great list of monitors. Add the new Harmonic Precision Caravelle to that list. I just sold my M20s for these babies. Should get delivery in a few days. Will give you the tympanic low down when I've listened galore. Remember, monitor speakers require stands. And stands will add significant $$ to your system/a fundemental extension of the speaker. peace, warren