This is probably the first time that a female trying hard to be in audio circa, is asking desperately of what speaker I can match with my Sunfire AMP (300 watts per channel and Sunfire tube pre-amp with kimber hero IC and kimber 8tc speaker cable.

Right now I am using NHT 2.5i and my boyfriend (who introduce me to this craze)is telling me all the time that my set up did not match the performance of my amp and pre-amp....pleeease help...
Hi Rox. The best speakers in your price range woul be the Magnepans 1.6. They are pretty uggly and have a very low WAF (Wife Acceptance Factor), but I don't think you would have to worry about that.
Rox I am impressed by one fact not noted except by averageguy, are YOU happy with the NHT 2.5i's? Not a suitable match for the Sunfire amp? What is this, the world according to boyfriend? I would guess it isn't such a bad match. And is boyfriend springing for the new speakers you supposedly need? You don't need anyone to tell you what YOU like providing you like what you have, least of all some egocentric self-serving guy that has absolutely no interest in what you're interested in other than to influence his power over your decision. Besides the above it is a well known fact that women hear better than men so trust your own ears and if you want a better opinion than that might I recommend the prozacs, Vandy's or whatever suits your fancy :*)

And Doug, the NHT's do work well 1' from the back wall, I owned them and at the price point they are an excellent full ranger, the opposite of the Vandy's (owned them too) laid back character, a matter of taste, I like them both.
toobgroover, yure right on two counts - make yer decisions based upon what *ewe* like. it's ok to get suggestions, but the final decision should be *yours*.

and yes, nht's *are* designed for near-back-wall placement, what was i tinking? ;~)

doug s.