Best speakers for 3 cord rock and roll

I'm looking to set up a 2 channel system to primarily listen old fashioned R&R (Beatles, Stones, Ramones) and some classic country (Cash, Nelson,Williams). What's better for this type of music - cones or planars? My budget is $2k for a used pair.
I got a speaker for you!! You'll need a grand more..but it is worth it!!!

A friend and I heard these speakers over the weekend. They are called Emerald Physics C2s. We were both speechless! This is as close to live music as I've ever heard out of a pair of speakers. You do not need esoteric gear to make them sing either. Me and my buddy both have these speakers on the must get list!! I wouldn't even look at another speaker until you hear these!

The C2s can play at stratospheric levels without compression. All the while..using only a few watts to do it. I'm sure they'll blow away many at the CES show coming up..I have no doubts at all. This pair was run with a $400 pro amp for the Bass drivers and Bel Canto 300s for the tweeter/midrange wave guide.

Just imagine what a pair of Egglestonworks Andra IIs combined with the best electrostat you've heard. That's what these sound like!

For 3 grand..there's likely to be a long waiting list in order to get a pair! This speaker with auxiliary equipment was around $ sounded like a $50,000 system I kid you not! I'm not affiliated with this company at all..just very excited about getting a pair myself! has a mint pair of jbl jubals........the real deal for rock.
Interesting. I have noticed this too at times with certain speakers. In the past I have paid big money for speakers that sound like crap with rock. However, I think there is plenty of good "audiophile" speakers that can do rock/pop very well too.
Believe me now and hear me later, check out a pair of Hornshoppe Horns. I spent several hours with a pair the other day, driven by a BYOB (10 wpc) amp (with car battery). For me, the jury is still out on jazz and classical, but rock ... MAN THESE THINGS ROCK!! These are serious rockers! We easily blew past 100dB with Metallica and they still sounded clear. Don't be fooled by their diminutive size (4" single-driver). They kick serious ass. Ed allows 30-day trials. Only $850!!
Well I find alot of 3 chord rock to be subpar recordings, so your choice must be forgiving of the source material.

You don't mention your room or other components, but I think Paradigm Studio 100's would fit the bill. Large sweet spot, tons of bottom end and well within your budget. Do use bi-wire speaker cables with them.