Best speakers in the 50-60k range ?

Some context: I’ve recently had to downsize my speakers. However since I got inot this hobby 2 years ago I’ve always been looking ahead, to see what my next big item purchase is. I’ve got a budget of about $60k for the speakers.

I have a superate budget for amp, dac, but regardless of the type of speaker I wind up with, I will get a electronic front end that makes sense for the speaker. I think it’s a bit backwards to be considering amp before I’ve selected the right speakers.

I  like pop, rock, metal, grunge like Rush, Metallica, Cranberries and Taylor Swift as much as I like better mastered music like Diana Krall.

Oh. And I like horns.

Here are the options I’ve been considering so far;

Purchasing another pair of JBL 4367. This option makes a lot of sense if I wanted to spend 100k on electronics instead. I was thinking Mcintosh (MC611) or Spectral (DMA360) amplification, or Pass Labs (XA200.8) as for preamps I could go with the Mcintosh C1100, the matching Spectral preamp, or the Pass Labs XP-30 or XS preamp. 

But I want to try Wilsons, or Avantgardes... see below.

Sasha DAW or Alexia Series 2. The former allows me to budget for a matching high power amp, the latter would require purchasing a lower end power amp until I’ve saved enough for a better one. Another option would be to wait until early 2020 before purchasing anything. The dealer I wanted to do business with carries both Mcintosh and Wilson... an audition for the aforementioned speakers is of course mandatory, and upcoming this summer. I’ve no doubt in my mind I’ll be impressed with what I hear but if im not I always have the JBL or other options.

Avantgarde Acoustics Duo XD or possibly Duo Mezzo. Yes I love horns. I am almost certain I would greatly enjoy these. I just love love horns. Another advantage is that these are self powered bass section speakers so I could use a low powered 2a3 tube amp with them. (I love 2a3 amps) which is significantly less expensive cost wise compared to the solid state beasts I’d need for the Wilsons...

Anyway that’s what I’ve got so far. I’ve asked around on another forum called audiosciencereview and the advice the few people I spoke with so far was that I’m better off getting another pair of JBL. It does seem logical. And I’d have a huge budget to play with for all manner of electronics... but the audiophile in me wants to get Wilson, or AG... 

Ill also be auditioning the Magico S5MKII but based on my research so far I don’t think I would like the sound of those speakers.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xd2girls
I wouldn’t discount the Magico’s...I would be listening for tonal balance on them but I’m sure farther up the line than the A3 which is dark dark dark (that’s the only one I’ve heard), they’ve got to be more balanced tonally. I did hear in the A3 that that speaker does get timbre right and it does image but man was there ever way too much bass. I have the Paradigm Persona 9H in my listening room right now.  It is VERY impressive on all the style of music you cited but on all poorly recorded music its going to reveal that such music is, you guess it, poorly recorded.  It will both FLAT as a pancake, bright (the personas are little bright anyway) and electronic sounding.  However there is tremendous harmonic richness in the midrange on the Persona 9H and with the powered subs they will rock.  The thing is, the higher resolution you go, oftentimes some of the style of music you’ve said you listen to become problematic because they just not mastered with the idea of being played back on such a high resolution system so they become harsh and bright and clinical, one dimensional and you run screening for the volume control because you can’t stand it. Such music sounds like a giant transitor radio on a $25-$75K pair of speakers.

recently at Fla. Audio Expo I heard the Sasha DA, Classic Audio T1s, and the entry level Magico among many others.

those Wilson's IMO will need some bottom end grabbing power or they will present as being loose in the low end. a pair of aR 150/160 monos and AR pre was fronted by a DCS setup. All top shelf Trans P wires.

oddly I found it involving despite the lower end shortcomings, though that setup exceeds $100K handily.

all in all, that outfit was very, very nice, but do note the mentioned caveat for stronger bass controling amp.

I can see where the Magico crowd finds them hitting their sweet spot. the a3s were pushed by a Luxman 509x INT and all upper range AQ wiring. it was as dynamic and involving as was the Wilson show, maybe a tad more so. more rounded if anything.

the KEF Blade IIs were IMHO a show stopper as they were fueled by a 75wpc stereo tube amp from Carver, with a Bel Canto pre./DAC. it was impressive given the power amp on duty. very nice. very nice indeed!

the Blades begged for better elecs IMO

if the above note on the JA Pearls is on time, it would not suprize me at all having heard the Pulsars fronted by Doshi power. the audio was absolutely sublime.

for sheer punch and speed? that nod has to go to the Raidho d2.1 and AVM MP8.2 modular pre and MP8.2 monos. the drive and energy exuded from this setup was incredible. bass hit you right in the belly. pure rock concert fare!
truly thrilling.

the winner overall was the Classic Audio T1s & Atmashpere 60w monopowewr with PAD wiring. top end stuff I'm sure.   and a TT as the source.

they were playing something by Stevie Ray Vaughan and the sound was near tangible. liquid to be sure but still it had well defined leading edges and a load of speed and orgainic nuance. Stat sound with punch too. amazing.

If I were able to play in the range you are headed for, making a deal on that whole shooting match would have been a priority for me.

The CA T3s as has been said, and according to John W of Classic Audio said the T3s hold a huge majority of the T1s presentation but at lesser cost and they fit into more rooms. the T1s are large no matter who is holding the tape measure.

merril audio had his christine pre and 116 monos driving Muraudio Stats and that sound was so real it was scary. no embelishments or exaggerations here! items in the sound scape were tangibly and naturally presented. fascinating. really.

ever since that show I've been wondering exactly how those Wilson dAs would fare with merril power. BTW there is a review here addressing exactly that scenario, almost. its with Sasha 2s instead.

sure, I heard a number of other speakers and amp setups, but felt to post those more memorable instances only.

btw, the AG Trios and uno Finos were on hand too. I'll just withold comments on them but to say I was underwhelmed.

maybe if the aGs had been fronted by the dosi gear????

I'll vote for the classic audio speakers too. I would put my $$$ there and not look back. well, if I had them kinds of duckets.

iron fist, velvet glove, yada yada yada.

as for saving $$$ elsewhere if less expensive squeakers are bought, please bare in mind, as you likely know very well, its better to have a great signal and path to the speakers than it is to have a so so signal and great speakers.

speakers, never make up for what they are not getting. or, not getting enough of.

although I don't think it absolutely necessary, I'd put $100K in front of what $25 or 30K could get me on the preowned speaker mkt instead. everytime.

don't limit yourself going forward, the sort of $$$ you're talking about holds an immense sxeries of options
new only?

view as many combinations and theories as your sanity allows.

Very, very good luck. hope you find a winning combo.

cessaro horns or the voxativ field coils on the Pure Audio Project horns
German Physiks if you like the coherency and tight bass
Need good amps with both for excellent sound.

Also look at used pair of Pipedreams. 

All of the above with a good amp will be fast, tight and clean, life like speed.

D2girls, I share your fondness for good horn systems and even aspire to build them, but don't have anything in that league.  I assume you’re developing a short-list. Here are some possibilities that come to mind, in alphabetical order:

Classic Audio (field-coil motors, Beryllium diaphragms, big woofers, nice wooden horns. Their Hartsfield is the most butt-shakingly-fun speaker I have heard.)

JBL M2 (no introduction necessary)

JohnK, who posts on this forum, has some magnificent fully horn loaded systems.

PBN M2!5 (same horn as the JBL M2, same woofer, but two woofers instead of one.)

The Summa by Earl Geddes, latest version + multiple subs. Earl was my mentor. He’s pretty much retired but still makes Summas on a special-order basis.

Very best of luck on your Quest.


Check out Gamut RS-7's. $40,000. Used them in our Room 1639 2018 AXPONA. One of the best sounds at the show. Number of reviews out there, as well. So natural, dynamic, lifelike, etc.Disclaimer: I know & work with the USA Distributor, but not affiliated in any commercial way with GamuT.  Benno Meldgaard is the speaker's brilliant designer, and a great guy to boot. He's now also involved with some of the sister company Raidho speaker designs as well. Good luck with your search.