Best Vanishing speakers

What speakers do you feel pull of the best vanishing act?
Von Scweikert VR6s are the best full range disappearing act I've heard. I've had Dunlavy SCIVs, Inner Sound Eros, Pro-Ac 3.5, many more. With the Von Schweikerts, nothing comes from the speakere. Amazing.
I have not read through the thread, but Eidelon has apparently been selected before. With the CAT amps and Jadis preamp, vinyl makes these babies completely disappear. Even instruments stereoed to emanate from one speaker reates a wrap-around effect without a false sense of pin-point locality.
These speakers EASILY imaged better and did the disappearing act better than the other speakers I listened to: Revel Studios, Merlin VSM SEs, Audio Physic Libras, JM lab Mezzo Utopias. The FST midrange unit on the 801/802 is incredible at throwing images and disappearing. Unless you have heard these, all other claims as to best at disappearing are hollow.
I agree wityh Ferdinand - all speakers I have tried disappear if set up right - and would add that the set up of the electronics is equally influential. But perhaps I am being too literal and you mean which can throw the most realistic soundstage.
diapason adamantes' do an amazing disappearing act - & i heard these at a s'phile show w/way less than optimal set-up conditions. if my 30-day money-back guarantee newforms go back to the factory after i try 'em, then the diapasons will be next.
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