Best wire to replace stock wiring in preamp?

I own a Parasound P/LD-2000 preamp that I want to modify with better internal wiring.
The stock internal wiring is silver-plated copper. I believe this contributes to this preamps slight brightness and harshness.
I want to buy some aftermarket wiring and rewire the main wires inside the unit.
I still want to retain the tremendous detail, openness, resolution, and sense of space this preamp provides, but at the same time I want to reduce some of the annoying harshness that silver-plated copper is known for.
Do you all think that I should use all copper wiring, or use all silver wiring for the best results?
What brand or brands would you recommend for the very best results?
Any idea on the pricing?
Thanks for your help.
The bottom line is in the listening.
The Marantz, Arcam, and Integra pieces,
based on reviews over the past five years,
have drawn concluded opinions that they
produce the warmest, smoothest, most analog
sounding players available. Its not just the
Burr-Browns, its any converter device thats
out of control with transient speed will
produce the same result. The Cirrus Logic
dacs are more rolled off at the top end
and more relaxed in their presentation which
results in a much tamer, more relaxed
soundstage, which will be much more forgiving
to silver plated copper.
One more note Ar_t, I just checked
daltonlanny's digital source. He's
using the Sony SCD-XA777ES player.
Surprise! Surprise! The XA777ES uses
Burr-Brown PCM-1738 DAC's. Too fast.
Too cool. Have a nice day!!
How can you determine by reading some review that the output transients are too high? Delta-sigma and R-2R ladder DACs are nowhere near alike in their topology or implementation. One outputs a differential voltage, which needs to be summed and low-pass filtered. The other outputs a current, which must undergo a current-voltage conversion before being LPF'ed.

Any competent designer can take any of those DACs, regardless of topology, and make them sound as bright or as soft as you may wish. Simple as that. Just because some do not is no reason to trash talk any product made that uses them.

Because now you are making accusations about stuff that I build. Accusations that are without merit or foundation. may well be right that his digital source does sound bright. But I can think of many reasons why. None of which are because of the DAC chip that it has.
Siltech G6 is far and away the best connection wire I have heard. It made a monsterous improvement in the Exemplar 3910. It is expensive and hard to find.
I'm making accusations about stuff you
build? What do you build and how many High
End outlets around the country sell your
product. Do you work for Tom Burr and Paige
Brown? I have purchased many home systems
since 1975, and over the years I have listened
and evaulated the sonic characters of hundreds
of components on my own as well as with the
Washington Audio Society. Diehard vinylphiles
around the world for years have challenged the
digital world to equal the rich,lush,warm,smooth
and seductive character of vinyl. Analog is better.
And in recent years, a handful of companies have
achieved that goal. And Wolfson is currently
leading the pack. I am not trashing any company.
The point that I'm making is if a digital player
cannot capture the full richness of the very best
of vinyl, its not worth a hill of beans, anf I dare
you to name any player with Burr- Brown DAC's
that has achieved that goal. You can't. Because
it doesn't exist.