Better Electronics or New Cables???

Which have you found to be more satisfying, better hardware or new cables? If you had a spare $1,000 for either but not both, which way would you go?
Cables all the way dude! You can't believe the performance that your components (assuming that you have decent equipment to begin with) are capable of, until you invest in some really good cabling: interconnects, speaker wire, & especially power cords. I was stunned when I finally hit the right mix of cables for my gear - expnesive yes, but YIKES it's good! You may have to experiment a lot though; it took me > a year.
I believe that a pretty wide misconception is that you need to upgrade (expend more and more) te get better. If you challenge yourself go the acid test and ask yourself if you´re really extracting all performance of your current hardware.. Chances are that if you really think into it and take an active stand you can improve for the time being and save more for the real upgrade in hardware Good luck
A hardware upgrade will make the biggest improvement. Cables have an effect on sound that is for sure but it is not nearly as big as some would have you believe. I recently called the manufacture of my amplifiers and asked what they recommended. To my surprise, the guy laughed and said any well made cable, but he suggested that I not spend much and buy cable last as it would have the least effect upon the sound. He suggested that I apply better acoustical treatment to my listening room as this would have a bigger effect than cables. Though he did recommend some decent brands of cable and had some decent stuff in his personal set up, though nothing very expensive.