Better SS amp than my Bryston?

I am wondering if there is a more musical SS amp than my 4BSST to run my Maggie 1.6s. You all know that they like alot of current, etc. The current system is:
DeHavilland Ultra Verve
Shanling CDT-100

The budget is probably somewhere between $2000 and $2500 and will gladly buy used.
Ag insider logo xs@2xbrett11
Thanks Gentlemen - I will take all of your feedback into consideration. The one question I have is no mention of Edge electronics. I have heard great things. I have also seriously considered PASS X-250. As you know, Maggies need alot of power/current to really sing. As for the comment on the 3.6, my room isn't big enough.
Since digital is your only input source, you should take a look at a TacT M/S2150 amp. You could connect the digital
output of your CDP directly to the TacT and eliminate
a preamp. Unlike the h20, it a fully digital amp, and along with it's remote volume contol, it also can perform
digital crossover functions.
Krell KSA150, Threshold SA100, Levinson M 27.5 or M 23..these all fit in the budget...personally I'd look for the Threshold but a Levinson M23 is awful good..the Krell is supposedly able to handle any load with ease....
I agree with Eldartford. I'm one of those that prefer my Maggie 1.6's because the woofer and tweeter share the same technology. They were reviewed by TAS as being a little soft in the top end, but I seemed to have solved that by rebuilding the crossover with better quality parts. They are so clean and delicate sounding now....

By the way, I drive them with an Aragon 8008BB and have no desire to change amps.