Bi-wire Cable Choices?...

Anybody have strong feelings for or preferences toward one of the following bi-wire speaker cables?

*TARA LABS RSC Prime Bi-wire
*DH LABS Q-10 Bi-wire
*Signal Cable Internal Bi-wire

They will connect a Roksan Caspian Integrated Amp to Epos M-12 speakers. My current wire is Kimber 4 PR singles. The sound is good yet seems a tad lean and small(?). Will bi-wire necessarily fill out the sound? Deeper? Fuller? I'm looking at keeping the cost under $200 for 6-8ft. Thanks mucho, Jerry
I've been tracking this discussion and hope you reveal your results with the Canare. I too am using the 4S11 in biwire configuration and think it is an extremely good value. Had previously used Kimber 8TC, Audioquest type 4+, CV6, and Crystal. The Canare is the only cable purchased new and I feel no need to replace them.
I will surely come back and let you know how it sounds in my system, however, it depends how much time it takes to break-in since I have no clue. Anyone, have any idea?
You can run speaker wire wherever you want. It doesn't carry enough current to be a safety issue.