Biamp a Bryston 4b sst Bass with a Classe ca3200

Is it possible to biamp a Bryston 4bsst (Bass)with a classe CA 3200 (mid range and Treble)?
Don't forget input impedance. Is this proposed bi-amp passive or active? If active you'll be fine.

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This is exactly what I thought, I was beating this question to death on various forums, was getting different opinions, and finally tried it myself.
Had two amps of exactly the same gain, one of them was also 4B SST with 29db gain in 1V position, but different sensitivity (the other was 0.7V).
I tried various combinations (the one with 0.7V driving MF/HF, or just HF), no matter what I tried the one with 0.7V always produced noticeably higher level of frequencies it was driving.
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I did not verify voltages, I was going by gain specs.
But what could manufacturer benefit from publishing incorrect gain values?