biamplification wiring how-to

i have a mccormack tlc1 and 2 forte model 5's and would like to biamp a set of speakers for a 2 ch setup. i have yet to aquire the speakers but i will make sure they have the ability to seperate the high and low freq via seperate binding posts. the speakers i'm sure will have its own passive crossover built in. what to do? any advice will be appreciated.

If your pre has 2 sets of outputs you can either use 2 pairs of IC's out to the amps or splitters and just 1 pair of IC's. From George's, Yioryos, posts I gather that he and I are bi-amping in very similar fashion. My IC's out to the amps are perhaps 1 meter shorter than his. As you can imagine, a quality IC of this length will not be cheap so I elected to use only one set of outputs and a single pair of IC's out to the amps. I then use a Cobalt Cable XLR-XLR y-connector to feed each channel of the amps. There could be a slight degredation with this setup vs. using a pair of IC's, but with truely balanced components I doubt it would be much.

I'm using the vertical bi-amp configuration that Tripper described. I found that in my system this had the best sound vs. the horizontal method. I have also found that the amps I have owned have sounded best when not used in bridged mode. I have not owned true monoblocks to date. Maybe someday.

George, if you're still following this thread, did you need to use an active x-over with the ML and Rogue amps?

I also have NAD power amps in a second system that are bridged mono. I found that by far the best sound IMHO was achieved by isolating right and left channels. No splitter used in this configuration. The L and R fixed level preamp outputs are each connected to the left channel input of a power amp. This is required when operating in bridged mono mode. One power amp is then connected with a pair of matched speaker cables to the left speaker (one run to the +/- bass connections and the other to the +/- treble connections). Same thing for right speaker with the other amp. This gives complete channel separation and provides plenty of clean power.
Dan-ed Hi
No actually I haven't try active yet,but for sure I will one day.Bryston's Active crossovers are very well regarded.My Aerial 10T have very nice build in crossovers though.Perhaps my current set-up is a compromise, can't say for sure.I am experimenting and upgrading as my budget allows,also life gets in the way sometimes with our audiophile hobby,I think.Years ago I bought a new pair of JBL L7 speakers,they came with a nice manual by JBL.It was in that manual that I first read about bi-amping with four tubed monoblocks or two tubed monoblocks for mids/highs and solid state monoblocks for lows.My Mark Levinson is in fact a dual mono power-amp .In it's manual Madrigal cautions that a performance of the 27.5 degrades slightly when user turns the amp into monoblock configuration.I believe this holds for other high-end amps as well.Unless they are made true monoblocks from factory.I got a CJ MV55 as well and years back I wrote to Conrad Johnson regarding turning the amp into monoblock they told me that it wasn't a great idea but they could do if I insisted.
I didn't do it.
Both amps sound great as they are.That is why I bought my Rogue M150's since they are true monoblocks ,I use then as they were intented.
Hi George,

I have 10t's as well so I'm very interested in your bi-amping experiments. I have been trying to find tube and SS amps that have gains and input impedances that match well enough to not use an external x-over. BAT amps usually come to mind but the Rogues are looking like another option here. I have not been able to find any gain specs on the M-150's so I'm hoping you'll know. The Levinson 27.5 looks to have a 26 dB gain which is a better match with some tube amps like the BATs. The Classe's I'm using have 29 dB gain so they may not match up well without the use of a x-over or I may have to swap them out with something else. As you know the 10t's like alot of power so I agree that the bi-amping is a great way to go. And the tube amp on top and SS on the bottom is great way to get that tube sound short of using 4 high powered tube amps.

I found the same thing about running stereo amps in bridged mode. Classe said it was fine to do. But I found that they weren't as smooth and ran hotter. I believe that there is also an issue with the load that the amp sees. In bridge mode an 4 ohm load looks like 2, and so forth. I agree, true mono-blocks are preferable.

I'll have to check out the Bryston x-overs. I couldn't find a Marchand that had balance connections.