big screen - two channel system enough for dialog?

If I have a large screen (100"+), will I need a dedicated center channel to hear dialog well??

My priority is music, and movies are mostly drama and comedies where dialog is critical. Surround effects are NOT a priority. Many folks here believe you can get much better value from 2 channel systems, but I am getting older and dialog intelligibility is key.

I am concerned about blu-rays needing to downmix from 5 to 2 channels and with such a big screen and separation of my mains, will two channels just make the dialog more diffuse??
Ag insider logo xs@2xtswei99
I too vote for a center channel for great dialog. I also have a large screen which I use with a Sony front projector. I tried just two channel, but as mentioned found the dialog off. So I added a center, same speaker as two channel. Did wonders. All speakers are driven by the same type of tube amps, mono block types. Getting the balance right will take some time and work. If the source has a center channel track it will still take some time, even if you use the balance computer software. Sometimes a blend of the right and left channels works just as well.
I have a center channel in my system and I have a 240" screen. I've watched movies in stereo with only the front mains engaged and the dialog sounded just fine, and while watching the movie, having no center channel did not call attention to itself and I thoroughly enjoyed the movies.

Before I went whole hog and installed a surround system, I watched movies on a big screen in stereo for years and never had a problem with the dialog being unintelligible.
A center channel is not necessary IMO. If your speakers image well and you sit in the sweet spot they will work just fine. If you don't sit in the sweet spot the voices will not come from the right spot though.
It should reinforce center (improve imaging) for off center sitting position.
Mitch, how many seats do you have in your movie theater?
What's currently shown in there?