Blue Node 2 ... ???

I've been thinking of adding to my system and ran across this advertised in Stereo Reviews latest and they also had it listed as a Class B item. Stream from internet radio to RCA to pre.  ...  would be the application I am interested in.  Current system FWIW, Sansui TU 9900 fully modded by Mike Williams at Radio X into an Audio Research LS2M MKII remote to two Sumo Andromeda II A which are run one a side, one channel for the Acoustat panel and one for the base module. Sony ES 5400 Super Audio player balanced through the pre into the power amps.  All cables are Straightwire, silver on the Sony the rest Maestro IC and speaker most custom cabled and terminated as they are local guys and really help with your specific needs.  Dedicated room fully treated by Acoustic Sciences Corp.

I contacted BlueSound who referred me to Magnolia, who can't seem to find a unit to demo I can hear in store.  I am VERY happy with my systems performance and just looking to add capability, not replace or upgrade anything.  Last guy I talked to suggested I just buy it and if I don't like it return with a 15% restocking fee deduct....  are they crazy?  Most of my system was put together near 25 years ago and I have auditioned equipment, cables, power cords, and you name it (especially vintage tubes) on and off for at least a decade. Last equipment change was the Sony ES5400 ran a $3500 Marantz player out the door, which wasn't a big deal since the Sansui did that too.
Anyone have any experience with the Blue Sound Node 2?.
BSN2 all the way.  You'd probably have to spend over $1K to better it as a DAC.  At or below $500, it's a no-brainer : no need to demo first - there's nothing better really.
Yup, the onboard DAC is great. I bought mine without hearing it. It is a great sounding bargain. 
I have the Vault 2 which is basically a node 2 with ripping ability and a couple bells.

I still have no desire to upgrade my music server at all.

Hooking it to a high quality DAC does take it to another level entirely.

I use a Mytek Brooklyn dac connected with,Nordost Heimdall spdif and let the Mytek fully unfold tidal MQA titles up to 24/192.

If all you need is to streamthen for $500 you just cannot go wrong.

Bluesound support is good and as already stated they perform regular updates to the player and the Bluos app which controls it.

That is a point worth mentioning, you control the node via the Bluos app on either android or Apple platforms and imho it is near perfect. I find the control of say Tidal through the Bluos app is vastly superior to using Tidals own app!

Go for it, you will not regret it! 
I was just looking at the specs between the Bluenode 2 and 2i.  It seems the major differences are related to connectivity enhancements.  As far as I can tell the DAC is completely or substantially the same? 
  • 1Ghz Arm Cortex A9 Processor
  • 32-Bit/192Khz DAC
Since I'm very happy with my wifi connection through BluOs app and I'd only consider upgrading if the DAC were sonically better I think I will stick with the 2.  But I may be missing something?  Please chime in if I am.  I love the product for the price.

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