Boost system performance via isolation?


I need help.

I found out last year just how important isolating devices can become. I've taken some steps in that direction but feel there may well be a better path than the inexpensive Vibra items. Which for the money surely are worthwhile devices.

In isolating components such as CD player, tubed preamp, and over a hundred pound SS amp. I have a rack from “HE..” (a bit south of Heaven, if that helps).

I do understand the rack itself, plays a big part but I’ve been unable to address that aspect as yet. So I’ve tinkered with it enough so the sound is pretty good now. Using homemade and mainstream products such as Vibra Pods. Currently Vibra-pod cones & pods, as well as doing some ‘layering’. Using a sandwich sort of configuration….

ON each shelf of the rack, from bottom up, I used a piece of ¾” MDF > CONES > ½” particle board (shelf) > Pods > component. Results aren’t bad but i would like to improve upon things, especially with the amp and preamp. Also a 400 disc carosel and a couple lightweight items too such as a DAC and DVD player.

I've done nothing with the amp... just CDP & preamp.

Anyone using something other than ‘Vibra-Pods’ & Vibra-cones, that have seen definite improvements in their system… I would sincerely appreciate hearing from you… and how it changed things… and naturally what those devices are.

I’m not looking to go off for tons of bucks here but would sincerely like to get an idea of who really does make effective isolation devices for components of varying weights andd function… eg., rotating, tubed, SS, etc….

Many thanks
I've used rollerblocks and did not like the sound. No one wanted to buy them from me so I guess they are not a popular item.
I like ceramic foot sanding stones. Only a couple of bucks and these provided the best sound unless you want to "tweak" the sound with more bass, more treble, etc.

06-26-06: Cdc
I've used rollerblocks and did not like the sound. No one wanted to buy them from me so I guess they are not a popular item.
Should have emailed me. :)

You might have experienced a lack of interest depending on when you tried to sell them. Now is not a good time. In any case, don't assume that because you did not sell yours that they are not a popular item. I've seen periods where several sets have sold within a few weeks of being listed.
Symposium Rollerblocks and Isis rack - it's simply the best (cue Tina Turner)

Jim Ricketts/tmh audio
I should explain. While rollerblocks are directly coupled to the shelf unlike isolation devices like sorbothane, pneumatic, or magnetic levitation; they are still undamped in the horizontal plane.
Undamped IMHO, means the CDP rings and adds strange harmonic content. There was more detail perhaps due to the metallic feet tipped up the FR. Damping out the feet with stainless steel instead of aluminum material, rubber or cork pads between the metal roller surface and CDP case lessened but did not eliminate the problem.
Maybe some folks would prefer what the rolling effect does to the sound, as I did initially; in the long run I did not think the sound was natural.
06-26-06: Cdc
I should explain. While rollerblocks are directly coupled to the shelf unlike isolation devices like sorbothane, pneumatic, or magnetic levitation; they are still undamped in the horizontal plane.
Undamped IMHO, means the CDP rings and adds strange harmonic content.
Thanks for clarifying, and I should do the same. I use the Rollerblocks under my tubed preamp. I prefer a Neuance isolation platform under my CD player.

I am fairly certain that no product will sound the same in all systems, which is why experimentation is so important...and fun.