Box speakers that sound like Electrostats?

Has anyone found a monitor or full range speaker that compares to an electrostat?
Maybe you should consider hearing the new, active Innersound Eros Mk3 speakers. They are a Hybrid stat/transmission line woofer that is said to have the most seamless stat/woofer blend in the industry. They have the best of what stats do and a killer bass line. Roger Sangers is the man responsible for this achievement. He has a pretty intense 30 day return policy. He'll says he'll even pay the return shipping if they don't smoke whatever else you have on hand.

Green Mountain Audio Continuum 1.5 or 2.0 speakers are competitive with electrostats on many levels. I have had several customers sell their electrostats in favor of these speakers. Great bass, very tube friendly, but many of the sonic attributes of electrostats.
How about a round speaker? Try a pair of Gallo Acoustics Solo or Reference speakers. The CDT tweeter will give you electrostatic speed on the top end and a panoramic sound stage. The bass is handled by dynamic drivers mounted in spheres that lack any boxy or woody sound. They are no longer made, but they can be found on the used market.

The new Gallo Due has a mini version of the CDT tweeter, but it does not have the mid and bottom end performance of the original Solo or Reference. These work well for sub-sat systems.
Take the best of both worlds in one design:

The Imagine ESL spaker system made by Monitor-db.

My brother has bought the system and now I cannot listen to my Martin Logan Prodigy anymore. A world of difference.
The chief violinist of the Berlin Symphonic orchestra found these speakers to be superior to the $250k ML Statements and I have mentioned before, that Placido Domingo has bought these speakers also. Their transducer foils are being made at the Fraunhofer Institute in Munich, Germany, the same institute, where Avalon has the diamond tweeters made for their Eidolon speakers. These speakers are guaranteed for defects for 5 years.
my comments were exactly that:
macrodynamics: impact and the ability to play LOUD (or to a lesser extent, the transition from soft to loud effortlessly), which stat's cannot.
microdynamics: the ability to hold a note into the black recesses...really, its all decay. stats do it better than anything...great boxes meet the standard stats set.

bass: stats dont do bass worth a damn. yeah, they "do" full range, and its about the equivalent of internet porn to real sex. there's no impact. get some good subs under 100hz if you're running stats. (i realize i'm saying this having just put my entecs for sale earlier today, but i'd have said it regardless).

dont take my word for it. talk to those who own stats. quads, ML CLS2zs, etc. all the serious guys end up getting subs.