Bryston 7B ST - Sounds anaemic. Any help?

I bought a new Bryston 7B ST recently to replace a 94 model 4B THX to drive my bass and I was hugely dissapointed. I wonder if there is a possibility that it may not be pumping 500w as it supposed to do. I have Alon Circe speakers.

I just don't get the oomph factor and I feel the 4B THX kicks better.

Would appreciate suggestions
Ok, thank you for putting my audiophiles' mind to rest. I guess at Bryston less is litterally more (sounds...)

You can wire a resistor from the caps to gound to discharge the caps more quickly if you like. It is my less than humble opinion that you end up with two choices:

1) Discharge the caps, which produces heat the whole time the amp is on.
2) Add a relay which can (if done correctly with gold contacts doesn't) degrade the sound.

Last I don't believe that any transient signal has any place near my less than robust tweeters. In my opinion this is a design oversight, and is unacceptable.
Hi Everyone,

I guess the amp just needed warming up and yes, the bass is more controlled and of course the legendary Bryston support and response within 24 hours did help. Whatever, Bryston is about the best co there is out there, hi end stuff at real world prices and they are over zealous in customer satisfaction which is always a nice feeling. The oomph is perhaps due to over extended expectations but the tonal balance is there. The FM Acoustics gave me more slam though.

Problem solved and happy listener and always a Bryston fan. Glad I bought the Bryston instead of the Pass Labs or Krell.
Hafeez: Bryston is the real deal. I'm glad people like them are in business. In the quest for perfection, we sometimes lose perspective. I hope you enjoy the music and forget the hardware for a while. Regards. BTW, leave them on and the issue of the noise on exit is solved.
Pbb: thats probably why Bryston did not bother putting an extra resistor or relay in the amps. They expect (or are accustomed) to users who leave it on all the time (studio's etc.). I leave my Brystons on for most of the time. The occasional holiday or weekend when I switch them off is really only a luxioury problem....

Happy trials!