Bryston Power Amp users - what power cord?

What power cord do you use for your Bryston amp?

Also, do you use any surge protector or power conditioner?
Sunnyboy -
You need to read the WHOLE quote from the review rather than be selective and YOU can figure it out- "it does not accept the common industry-wide 15 amp power line plugs, but only 20 amp plugs. This, in turn, may call for installing a new plug, or obtaining a suitable cable directly from the manufacturer. For our test we used a "Sunwire" which was sent along with the amplifier.

Note - it's Sunwire, not Sunfire, and it's a cord, not a chord.
"Bryston has reasoning for their suggestion on their web site."


I couldn't find it. Can somebody give me a link?

Also, on the manual, I found "Power line conditioners will not improve the SST amplifier performance, in fact most of the time they restrict the flow of current to the amplifier, reducing performance at higher output levels"

but nothing about using after market power cord.
I personally called Bryston a few years ago & they said...Plug it directly into the wall and leave it on all the time. Do not use surge suppressors.
Well, I purchased a "Brick Wall" Surge suppressor ( 20 amp one) and plugged the Brystons into it & have not noticed a degrading of the amps output. I feel better with the Brick Wall in between the amp & the main power because I live in Oklahoma. ( Home of the famous Tornado Ally & lightning storms)

I currently have Bryston 7bsst's driving B&W Nautilus 801's.
I was able to get a very good deal here on audiogon on a pair of Virtual Dynamic niteII power cords, and yes IMO it did make a difference, not huge, but a difference. The bass was deeper and fuller.