Bryston vs Modwright?

I'm looking to replace my old power amp with a new one, in the $4500-5000 range; I'm running an ARC ref 5 SE that I got from a friend, and will be driving Dali helicon 400 mk 2s. I have been thinking solid state to complement the ref 5 SE, and have been exploring the Bryston 4bSST2 vs the Modwright kwa 100 SE. Anyone have experience with either or both of these amps?

Second the Plinius. Would also look at Audio Research Ref 75 with KT-150 tubes.
I have the Modwright KWA100SE driving Modwright LS100 preamp and formerly JM Reynaud Offrande Supremes and currently Daedalus Argos V2s. To my ears the KWA100SE is very pleasing sounding, not partial to one part of the spectrum, dynamic, non-fatiguing. I'll put the Argos aside as they are 98db efficient, the Offrandes are 92db and I never found having to crank the preamp above 10 in a 28x20x10 listening room. 
Meant to add, Dan Wright is very easy to speak to and willing to have a conversation. I'd give him a call and discuss your equipment, room, music tastes , etc. ; worth the call. 

One last point, my experience is that Modwright gear isn't partial to music genres. 
The Modwright amps and preamps are wonderful.  I've owned a couple of both.  Excellent build quality and sound.

Dan is great to work with, like others have stated.