Budget speaker selection help

I am trying to set up a second system with some vintage components... Sansui 9090 receiver and a Pioneer PL-10 turntable. The music will mostly be classical and light jazz records at low to moderate listening levels.

Anyway, with a $200-300 budget for speakers, I would appreciate any opinions on experiences with the following...

Axiom M3Ti
Paradigm Atom
Athena AS-B1/AS-B2
Epos ELS-3

I have read all the reviews out there on these speakers, but would appreciate some first hand feedback.

I have the Atoms, which I am using for surrounds. Iin spite of very positive press, i think they are a little thin in the midrange and the bottom end is a little "tubby". They are okay for my home theater surrounds, but not for listening to music. I would encourage you to look at the others. Good luck!
I cannot offer you feedback on the noted speakers (although I know the Epos are pretty well regarded), but would suggest you add Phase Tech to your list. They offer great 'bang for the buck', especially on the used market. I own a little pair of PC-40 speakers that I used as 'upstairs' speakers for quite awhile. Even though they were bettered by the Harbeth's that replaced them, they didn't give up THAT much. I've heard a couple of their other speakers which also left favorable impressions on me.
I heartily second the Vandersteen recommendation. I feel that you get significantly more music from them than with any of the minis you are currently considering. Besides, once you factor in the cost and space necessary for proper stands, many of the advantages of the smaller speakers disappear.

The speakers on your original list are all well thought of. A couple of other good options would be the B&W DM303, new or used and the Ruark Epilogue, used.
Used the EPOS ESL3 with a vintage Marantz 2240 receiver and felt that they sounded boxy.

In your price range and a real winner with vintage receivers are the NHT SB1 (list $300; Audio Advisor has an open box pair for about $150). The key is that the NHTs are acoustic suspension speakers, which have a more natural sounding bass than ported speakers. I used the NHT SB2 with the Marantz and a Music Hall CD 25 cd player and the sound was excellent.

Be careful of the Axiom's as they have a fairly forward sounding treble. Have heard the same about the Athenas.

Regards, Rich