C'mon name that amp ...please?

Hi All,

For months now I have been considering a new amp. There have been too many choices, but this thread will probably make it worse. Here is the info that you need: Room size 22x40x10 (8,800 ft^3) speakers are 7 driver WWMT with 4 Ohm imp. (min 3 max 5) the preamp is SS with 115 Ohm output imp. I would like an amp with great dynamic ability along with excellent mids and highs. I've been considering amps from ARC, Pass, Modwright. Please, if you have any ideas just a quick reply. My budget is up to 5-6K and used is preferable as I feel most of us Audiogoners take good care of our stuff. I am currently using a Wyred 4 Sound ST1000 which is a high powered Class D amp that does have great dynamics, but is not quite there for me in the highs.
The Aesthetix Atlas Stereo is a high powered hybrid amp that you might want to check out. Not only is it -IMHO- a fine sounding high output power amp, it's also unusually flexible in that it includes a very versatile low cut x-over function should you ever choose to bi amp.

IIRC, it's +/- $8k new, so a used piece (if you can find one) probably lands in your price range.

Good Luck.

Thanks everyone, I will report back, but it may be a while as getting amps to audition in my home is not an easy task, especially since I want to get one used.
McCormack DNA-750 monoamps. About $5K NEW. 900 Watts (continuous) in 4 Ohms.

See http://www.iar-80.com/page5.html
for a review of the predecessor DNA-500.

See http://www.audiocircle.com/index.php?topic=104073.0
for my experience with a pair.