Cable Upgrade: Too much transparency

I could use advice about the best interconnect between my amp and preamp. I recently added Audioquest Cv 8 speaker cable and there was a dramatic improvement in clarity. I then added Audioquest Diamondback interconnect between the amp and preamp, and it seemed the harsh (in particular brass instruments in jazz). Did the cable create too much transparency? Will I get used to it and appreciate the clarity eventually? My system: Jm Labs Daline 3.1, Jolida 5t, Adcom GFA 545 II, Moon 100 D, Apple Airport Express. Thanks for any insight.
Brass instruments do have some metallic bite along with a lush rich sound. Your system should let you hear that bite. Allow your cables to run in before you do anything. It could be the first time you are hearing them this way which may take some getting used to. After burn in, try adjusting the toe in of your speakers as well. If it still sounds fatiguing or too aggressive later, you will need to make changes. (in my opinion, there is no such thing as too much transparency)
I agree some more burn in time maybe needed (assuming they are new cables) a few weeks. Also most cable are directional (assume you know this...)

Also, are you sure you have your speakers set up right? What about room treatments?

Just a few thoughts...
While the GFA 545 II has great weight and punch in the lows, its top end can be forward and unrefined. Not sure which cables you had in the system before, but by adding the more transparent cables you may have exposed this weakness that was otherwise being hidden or compensated for.