California Audio Show-why I hate audio conventions

I decided to check out the California Audio show today-
had one particular room i really wanted to listen toand was the main reason I drove to the show, as in past shows their rooms have always sounded great. I thought to myself, if their room sounded good again, I really have to consider buying a pair of their speakers.

I went into the room, and saw the owner whom I have met and bought from many years ago when he had a small retail shop. His room was empty, so I figured it was a great chance to play my own CD I brought. I asked if it was ok to play my CD, he said yes, and took out the Diana Krall CD and threw mine in-

My CD played for no more than 1 minute, and he came back into the room and put the Krall CD back in----The CD i wanted to play was a track of the Kate Bush Aeriel CD, not some gothic death metal -I guess as in my past experience, all too many exhibiters seem to want to demo their gear with music they prefer, not what the public may be interested in. While I understand, you want to play what may make your gear sound best, but in my specific case and I suppose others, I do not choose what I buy based on whether it sounds good playing Diana Krall tracks.

This gets me to my point, all too many shows I have been to, the manufacturers play the same CDs, the same genre of music over and over----It is like each show is Co-Sponsered by Diana Krall. ---While I own her entire catalog, there is more to music than hers---you would never get that from the shows I have been to.

The show itself in all seriousness was worth going if any of you are in the area--

Some standout rooms were the Music Lovers Audio of Berkeley room --the Wilson Watt/Spectral one in particular. They played both CDs/and LPs and they actually played a nice mix of music---while I was there, older Santana on LP, and Talking Heads on CD-

the Electrocompaniet room was also nice sounding.
Diana Krall.. amazing that they continue to play her all the tie.
It might be some subliminal message in her CDs that hypnotizes middle aged farts into blowing big $$$ on stereo stuff. Or, maybe shopkeepers into playing her stuff endlessly?
I would guess they all want to be safe rather than sorry?
Inoffensive music?
Given the choice I would prefer to listen to the Beatles; not that I care about them either.
I concur about the big Music Lovers room. Just one correction: they had Wilson Maxx speakers in there. They often have the same setup in their big room in Berkeley as well. Also agree that the Electrocompaniet room was very good sounding. Other standouts for me were the D'agostino room and the very surprising Brodmann Accoustics room on the 4th floor.
Regardless of whether you dig her music/style/hair/piano playing/voice/whatever, Krall's music is very well recorded. I like some of her music, not all, but if I want to show off my rig, the first thing that goes on is Temptation from Girl in the Other Room. Recordings like that would sound great on an old transistor radio! Exhibitors just want to present their systems in the best light possible, so they're going to pick the best recorded stuff to play at shows. I'd do the same thing if I was trying to sell merchandise.

It's true that one bad apple can spoil the whole barrel. But not this barrel. In my group's opinion this was a great show. This show proved time and time again you don't need to spend 300K to build a great system. I talked to a lot of people, made some excellent contacts , and heard some great music. I saw rooms hosts playing everything people asked to hear. Even handing them the volume control. When does that happen! This is an audio show for anyone who dreams of improving their system, even if they have yet to win the lottery. I hope we all understand if us audiophiles don't support audiofests like this, they will be no more.