Canada Rocks: 70s lost lps pt 2...

Our friends to the North who guzzle beer and impart violence on each other on skates..on ice...with sticks...have a quirky rock heritage...Prism, Saga, Triumph, Trooper, etc...any other "under the radar" Canucks that rock?
Santers, Moxy, and Coney Hatch! If you haven't heard these, all three are great hard rock bands from Canada.

If you must only have one, get Santers "Racing Time" - love it!
ROBERT CHARLEBOIS, not the very first albums , LINDBERG epoch psychedelic back from a trip to CALIFORNIA coast, spectacular beast to see live when he was younger !!!!!

Was in a railroad tourney with Janis Joplin and is electrical stainless steel violin
Two words "Red Rider"
After 30 yrs still current still meaningful. Truthful lyrics, wonderful beats. Truely an under appreciated gift to us all which was tragicially hidden from our americian friends. Do yourself a favour and find a copy of Neruda. You will not be disappointed.
The New Pornographers (dumb name- great band)and Kathyrn Calder. KC is a member of the NP's; you can hear the "family influence" in her solo album, but has very much a distinct personality.