Cardas Clear USB cable... anyone tried it?

Dealer says 100 hours break-in...

I'm wondering if it's going to compete with my RSA USB Poeima cables?

:) listening,

Jibbonacci... thanks for the revival! I'd be very interested in your reports,whatever your findings, on these cables. I have experience with the Poiema and the Alethias (which I think is quite impressive, and the Poiema is no slouch by any means), but none with the Cardas or the Transparent.

USB cabling does make a difference. It's just whether that difference is compatible with your system.

:) listening,

I have a Locus Design Nucleus USB cable, and it sounded great when i was still using a USB DAC. However, I've now switched to a Firewire DAC (Weiss DAC 202) so am not using it right now.
So Docmark... what cable are you using for firewire? And what do you think about it?

;) listening,

Use it and love it! Big dif from stock cheapo cable. PC to PSA PerfectWave DAC. IMHO
I ordered one last week and will be testing it soon. Will update. My system is:
Macbook/Maverick DAC1 (w/upgraded tube)
5687 Tubed Linestage
Rogue Stereo 90 Magnum (EHKT88's/Tung Sol 12ax7's)
Silverline SR 12's
Kubula Sosnos Facination ic's
Shunyata Aries ic's
AZ Hologram II speaker cable