Cartridge Limitations or Break In?

I've just gotten going with my first TT and cartridge, a Shure M97xe. So far I'm really impressed with it for the price ($56 or so). The only place where I'm having some problems with it is in certain tones and higher notes. In particular muted trumpets - Miles Davis at the Blackhawk just fell apart - and with the reverberations on some loud vibraphone passages - Milt Jackson on a couple of Pablo recordings. I've read that that this, and other cartridges, need some time to break in to smooth out. Is that what I'm experiencing here or am I discovering the difference between an inexpensive cartridge and pricier model?

Still sounds bloody good for the money.
Don't take your cartridge seriously until after 400 hours. It is interesting to hear it change...and change it will. Sometimes it will sound better than it did before...sometimes worse. Sometimes it will have no bass, and sometimes too much bass. Be patient!! All of audiophiledom is the same way. Just put on record after record, and think of it as FM. Go about your businss and don't even listen critically.
Stringreen couldn't have said it better. Just play yer records and be patient.
400 hours is a bit much with most cartridges I would say. My Denon 103R had pretty much blossomed by 50 hours. I've heard of extreme examples of around 200 hours. Given that you can break in most cartridges on the Cardas Sweep Record in about 2-4 hours, and that it is valuable for regular maintenance beyond that, I view it as a must have product for anyone owning a turntable.

From my perspective, it would be pretty depressing to go 400 hours and then figure out something was drastically wrong when you can do it in 3 or 4.