Cartridge & phono stage for VPI Scoutmaster setup?

Here’s yet another “what do I do” from someone who’s taking the next step into vinyl.

Coming this week for me is a VPI Scoutmaster w/the standard JWM9 arm which is replacing my beloved Dual CS5000 I’ve had for 21 years.

I’ve been running the Dual straight into my Conrad Johnson PV11a (phono input), into a modified Threshold S/500. From there, through a set of 2m bi-wire Audioquest Clears feeding a pair of Martin Logan Ascents. Interconnects are Nordost.

I typically listen to 70s and 80s rock as well as some modern blues. As a musician myself, I prefer a clear, defined presentation of the music.

With the old Dual, I had no problem volume matching my other sources when using an Ortofon X3MC (2.5 mV) or recently, an AT 440ML (4.0mV) but I assume those are very high outputs compared to the cartridges I should be using w/the SM to get the most out of it.

So…, with the arrival of the VPI this week, I first need to select a cartridge and second, (or maybe this is the first step) select a phono stage.

Budget wise, I’d be looking for a new, sub $700 cartridge (Benz Micro ? or Dynavector DV20X? works well from what I’ve researched). I’d also like to keep the phono stage (used is fine) around or under that same price.

After purchasing the TT and allowing the purchase of a new cartridge, I’ve pretty much reached the end of my budget, but realize I will likely need a phono stage w/my current pre, can upgrade the phono stage sometime in the future once recreational funds are replenished.

I could also temporarily install either the AT or Ortofon on the JMW9 but I’m not sure if that would actually be taking a step forward or backward.

Any thoughts, suggestions and recommendations are much appreocated…
I just set up a friend's Scout with a Dynavector 20XH and Dynavector phono stage. He seems pretty happy.

I use an Ortofon Rondo Bronze and Trigon Vanguard II/Volcano II combo with my Scout, which might be within your total budget.

I wonder if there is a real good high output moving coil that you could use with your phono input? I haven't heard the CJ's phono input, but if it is high quality, I might tend toward that option.

In the meantime, I would try one of your existing cartridges. If you like the sound, go with it and save some money.
You might try the Benz ACE higher output ones. I heard one that was very nice indeed. I know that VpI arms like most cartridges and bring out the best in them. Dont be afraid of its "tippy' nature. When you get used to it, it wont be an issue at all.
Given your preferences in music, I wouldn't feel absolutely frantic to move up to a low output cartridge. I've got a VPI Scout and have heard the same with with low output moving coils, and while there is an obviously different presentation with a mc, I'm not so sure I don't like the weightier, more fleshed out sound I hear with a good moving magnet design. I know, heresy, heresy. Were I exposed to the most exalted realms of financially unobtanium mc catridges, perhaps I'd change my mind. I've used a Goldring 1042, Grado Sonata, and currently, a Garrott Bros. Optim FGS with the Scout. All have sounded very good to me, the Optim in particular is a very well rounded performer. For some reason, Garrotts don't seem to be imported into the US at present and have to be ordered from Australia.