Cartridge / Tonearm opinions requested...

After 23 years of living with an Ariston RD11s I’ve decided it’s finally time to upgrade. I recently pre-ordered one of the upcoming Teres Audio 265 tables (with the cocobolo platter). I’ve been making myself fairly insane over arm and cartridge selection and I’d appreciate any feedback anyone would care to offer (Twl?).

Unless someone can relate a horror story I’ve pretty much narrowed down my arm choice to the Wilson Benesch Act 2. It was a coin toss with the Moerch DP-6 but I’m a freak for carbon fiber.

My short list of cartridges are:

Shelter 901
Wilson Benesch Analog
Koestsu Rosewood Signature
Allaerts MB-1 Boron

I haven’t heard much about the W-B cartridge. I know it is of unknown Japanese make. I would think the synergy with the Act 2 arm would be great but I don’t know much about it's sound characteristics. I’ve read lots of raves about the Shelter 901 (In fact I just ordered a 501 for my office system). The Allaerts is supposed to be imbued with magical properties that will forever elevate the life of the owner but I haven’t really read too much about it beyond a bit of hype. The Koetsu seems like the safe old favorite – it simply can’t be a bad choice…but is it the best choice?

The related analog gear is a Krell KPA phono stage, Sonic Frontiers Line 3 preamp, a Jadis Defy 7 Mk III amp, a White Audio Labs A250 amp. Speakers are custom Unity Audio Super-PARMs (four piece system).

Would anyone care to offer an opinion/comparison about these 4 cartridges and how they might work with the W-B arm?

(Sorry for the long post)
The WB is an accurate and neutral arm that is a little bass shy. This was very noticeable on a Pink Triangle Anniversary table which is as good as most tables out there. Not hard to set up but the vta is not easy to make small changes as it is the pillar and set screw system. I cant see any real sonic reson to choose the WB over several less expensive good arms, (better Rega) for instance. The cartridge(WB) is quite good but was happily replaced by a Benz Ruby. I listened to this system over a year plus while building a friends system. Baldwin
I recommended OL arms because I much prefer gimbal-bearing arm designs. I like low compliance cartridges, and there is no question in my mind that they are handled better by gimbal-bearing tonearms. Yes, some unipivot arms have made improvements in stability by using outrigger bars, but they remain an inherently unstable platform, due to their single point bearing. Just my opinion, but it is derived from over 30 years experience with analog equipment.
Well I just threw a curve ball at my decision.... After reviewing the responses to my post and asking a LOT of questions to dealers, manufacturers and distributors I've decided to bail out on the Wilson Benesch arm and the Shelter 901.

Instead I am going for the Morch DP-6 and the Allaerts MB-1 Boron. In a way I'm a bit disappointed to not get the 901 (I can't wait for my 501 to arrive) but the Allaerts appears to be an out and out monster and has a real synergy with the Morch arm. I looked forward to the 901 but I lusted after the Allaerts.

Chris Brady expects delivery of the cocobolo platters early July so I hope to have my new Teres 265 up and running shortly after.

Many thanks to everyone who responded to my posts and e-mails.