Cary 805 C or 805 AE?

I have decided to buy the Cary 805 monoblocks and now have two used on the hand.

One is the Cary 805 C mk II which is about 10 years old and with the 6SL7 input tube (only one) and without the possibility to change between the 845/211 tubes (this feature is not important to my since my speakers have a sensitivity of 107db and I don’t need the extra power that the 211 tubes can give).

The other is the Cary 805 AE which is about 2,5 years old with the dual 6SN7 input tubes.

There is a 2000 dollar price difference and I’m wondering if it’s worth the extra bucks. Instead I would rather spend the money on buying quality tubes like Sophia Electric.

So if anyone has experience in the difference between the two with 845 tubes please share.

There is one .22 from input to 300b and a 1.0 bypassed with .22 parallelled with the interstage trans to the output tube. Do you guys change the big cap too?
I try to locate the 2uF with .22uF bypassed between 300b and output tube but I swear I don't see it anywhere :(
I took some pics if you can help then I will send pics
My contact thuan2000 at hotmail dotcom
I do have schematic and this cap is there in the drawing :)
Cary 805C : Added 0.22 uF, 400V Duelund RS bypass capacitors at the 6SL7's. Stock caps were Jensen paper in oil. Also, added 0.22 uF, 600V V-Cap CuTF's that feed the 845's from the 300B's. Stock caps were Audio-One. Significant improvement in the Cary 805C. Considering removing the V-Caps and replacing with Duelund Cast PIO. The Deulund capacitor line is by far the most satisfying capacitors I have everueeen exposed to. One questionable Duelund capacitor to my liking is the Cu/Ag Hybrid. They seem to have a slight sizzle (unlike V-Caps) that my ears dislike but the jury is still out since these are still breaking-in. Duelunds appear to need a break-in period similar to V-Caps in 400-500 hour range. They are good out of the box but the magic really occurs after break-in. The best value by far is the RS which is a smaller CAST-PIO but these only are rated at 400V so you have to be careful where these are used. Thanks, M. Adams