Cary CAD-572SE MK2

I have Vienna Acoustic Beethoven Grands, with a BAT VK-31SE pre. I am in the process of purchasing this Cary SET amp. Am I going to have a problem with synergy? I have never owned a tubed power amp, just pre-amps. It will be replacing a BAT VK-200, so it seems like it's going to be a huge drop in power. I called Cary today to check on whether or not this amp would drive my speakers and in the middle of the conversation, I realized I was talking to Dennis Had(DAMN!) Anyway Dennis said that it would drive my speakers with ease.
I guess I just want some reinforcement from other Gon'ers that, I am not screwing up too much.
Was it from a private party or a dealer? I have been doing some searches online and it doesn't seem like there are a lot of options. I am new to tubes, so I may be missing something.
Did I say these amps sound awesome? Even digital sounds good. Don't want to start a flame, I am just very happy with my purchase.
thanks for listening
Hey Jdodmead...

I've owned these amps and have a source for the tubes. Send me a PM if you'd like...

Hi Jeff,

Now I'm almost wishing I had tried that pair of tube amps I almost bought in January. They were a pair of Cary 572SE monoblocks that had the $1K upgrade to 300SE monoblocks, running 300B power tubes. The owner, who had the mod done, swore the sound was much better, but it did decrease the power output. I think it cut it from around 22 wpc to about 15 wpc if I remember correctly. My room is similar in size to yours, but I didn't feel 15 wpc would drive my Strauss. My current amp is 300/600 wpc into 8/4 ohms, and can tightly control the 10 inch woofers.

Buying used helps, you can usually recover your money, if you don't like them. I'm sure your Strauss sound great with all that power. It's just a different sound, with the tubes, that I really like. Not necessarily better than SS.
Hopefully you will get another chance to try some.

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