CAT SL1 vs Modwright LS 36.5

Hi all,

I am considering CAT SL1 without phono or Modwright LS 36.5 to pair with my PASS LAB X250.5 ... would like to know which amp would be better... Btw would Modwright LS 36.5 be better because of XLR connections...? Please share your experiences....
Here`s the deal, you`re happy with the CAT and at the end of the day that`s all that should matter to you. If others don`t share your opinion, so what,you`re content with your choices(or should be). As already stated,Rfogel8 and Jwm have owned numerous CATs over the years. They have both moved on to what they found to be better preamps after extensive experience with the CAT.This is`nt a put down of CAT, the truth is(for some of us) you can find better and we simply feel we have by a noticable margin.

You`ll likely continue to enjoy your CAT for many years to come(why change if you love it?). Others will and have moved on.
Rfogel8 and Charles1dad, when it comes to the CAT preamp, all I can say is clearly YMMV. I stand by what I said about the MP-1 ( which was a fairly recent version)...BTW, are you guys using anything BUT digital as the front end, because IF you are not, that would explain a lot!
Hi Charles, you own a Coincident preamp? How does it compare between Modwright 36.5 and CAT SL1? DO share your views...
I`m not familiar with the Modwright 36.5 but I`ve always read and heard nothing but good comments regarding it.
I`ve heard various CAT preamps in systems of people I know well and gave my viewpoint above. The Coincident linestage(CSL) to be blunt, in a different realm entirely from the CAT. It`s far more natural and emotionally engaging,has a much lower noise floor with superior resolution,inner detail and nuance retrival. Tone,timbre and harmonic preservation are more organic and thus realism is improved.It just sounds more convincing and like real music is being played in your room. The flesh and blood and breath of life factor is much more apparent.

Clarrie, the CSL, VAC Sugnature MK II and the Atmasphere MP-1 are all superb(despite their different design approaches).These three simply perform and reproduce music on a higher plane than the CAT.Subjective? of course, but I can only tell you what I hear. Ideally if would be good if you could hear these preamps yourself. Based on how you hear and what you want to achieve your impression may be very different and you may agree with daveyf, who knows. I can only give you my honest opinion based on my personal exposure.
Best of Luck,
Both Rfogel8 and Jwm have first rate analog systems and large record collections.I was a long time TT guy but my Yamamoto DAC and PWT combo have retired my Linn LP-12(I enjoyed my former Well Tempered TT more than the Linn).
In terms of musical communication and involvement my current DAC will complete with most. any digital or analog system I`ve heard and won`t be embarrassed.Either format can satisfy and certainly lay bare the differences among preamps put into one`s system.