Cayin A-88t vs. Almarro A318B

Both these are integrated amps that get wonderful reviews.

Anyone ever heard both? Which did you prefer?

I'm going to pair it with Acoustic Zen Adagios
Just a note - the Almarro can and will drive the notoriously difficult amp killers Gale 401's, (rated just under 4ohms and NOT efficient). Not to ear shattering volume levels but enough to reveal the depth and clarity of mid-range the Almarro excells at. Perhaps the high current of the Almarro explains this - anyway to my ears it works well with these speakers and is again proof that 'audio theory" is just that and exceptions to the rule do exist.

I owned both and liked them both. It is sort of an apples and oranges comparison. The better depends on your priorities. The richer midrange of the Almarro over the Cayin turned out to be a deciding factor for the Almarro although I missed the dynamics and wider soundstage and raw power of the Cayin which still had a warm midrange and a great sense of presence.

However, you really haven't heard the Almarro 318B until you try it with some fantastic old stock Mullard brown base tubes. Myself and friends rejected the Almarro until the Mullards were put in, which was a complete turn around from the previous dull sound. The Mullards preferred by me are the brown base ECC33 (6SN7) and CV569 (6SL7/ECC35). I auditioned the famous ECC32 and 34 which were slightly warmer (a little too much so in my system), yet less dynamic and synergistic as the ECC33/CV569 combo.
I've put a Black Treasure CV181-Z tube in the 6SN7 tube slot and was blown away with the results.
The sound stage opened up by a huge margin. Width and depth.
Tonal ballance is perfect and the extention on both ends are increadable.
I'm using a Tung Sol 6SU7 for my 6SL7 tube.
I'm in heaven.
The Almarro has warmer lusher mids, and the Cayin is more dynamic. The Cayin mids are also very good, just not equal to the lushest ever mids with the Almarro. Choosing between the two depends on your preference and speakers needs and the overall effect in regard to your system on balance. Neither is superior. Just different. And both very very good at what they do.

I tried driving some Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home speakers with the Almarro 318B. No can do. The bass was boomy and the bass clipped/cut-out/buzzed with anything other than soft background listening levels. However, I have heard the Almarro works good with Acoustic Zen Adagios and most speakers that are not power hunger like the Sonus Fabers.
I own Fritz Carbon 7's (87db) and I'm interested in pairing them with either the Cayin A-88t or the TAD 1000 mono blocks. Does anyone have experience comparing either of these?