CD Player with Polarity Invert?

Does anyone know of a CD player with a polarity invert feature? I've seen it on a few DAC's, but not on stand-alone CD Players. Thanks for any help or suggestions.
On the other hand, does anyone know if tube CD players invert polarity, and if so, which ones do?
Add a Rotel RCD-990 to your list of players that have an invert phase feature.
It's sort of an annoying problem as I'm trying to invert polarity of the phono stage and the CD player relative to one another.
Why not just swap connections at the phono cartridge? Interchange red with green, and interchange white with blue, and voila!

-- Al
Al, thank you so much. I don't know why I didn't think of that... The genius is in the simplicity!

Frank :-P