CD player with Vandersteen and Conrad Johnson

looking to upgrade or improve upon my current set up. Running CJ CT 5, and 250S--Vandersteen Quatros--having been alternating between my DP2 (McCormack) and Ayon 1 S----hoping for suggestions that bridge gap between my vinyl and my CD collection. No time to archive CD's at this point to program on my Apple or PC. Any and all feedback welcome.
Lucky man,

I have always wanted to hear those Quatro speakers. Big fan of CJ gear, as well.

There is a CJ deluxe cd player out there, would be a great match for your current set-up. Sim Moon Audio cd players do sound great w/ CJ gear, too.

What brand of cables/cords are you running?
You can get a PS Audio Perfect Wave MKII DAC and transport for used for nearly half of list that will give you a good dose of analog-like digital. See Anthony Cordesman's TAS review. The only set up I know to be clearly better is the EMM labs XDS1 and DAC2 and the crazy expensive MSB DACIV.
Ear Acute or Doge6. Both excellent choices for the vinyl-lovers, IMO. Both available on A'gon, BTW.

do you know of a dealer/retailer that has the E.A.R. Acute on display?