CD's for auditioning


Can anybody suggest CD's/titles that are good for auditioning audio equipments? SOngs that will really test the lows, mids, highs and clarity?

Thanks :)
Winoods "about time" for dynamics and imaging
Dylans "time out of mind" for soundstage, imaging and detail
Grateful Dead, live from 7-2-88. the Schoeps source. no better BASS test!
Some of mine (that I don't think I saw in the list above):

Dianne Reeves - Never Too Far (title cut and "Hello") -
(jazz tinged R&B: excellent female vocal, check for midrange presence and choral mass voices on "Never Too Far")

Shirley Horn - "You Won't Forget Me" (jazz): Close miked, female vocal - top to bottom presence (check the decay on "The Music That Makes Me Dance" on the last cymbol strike).

Michael Franks - "Dragonfly Summer" (smooth jazz?): another intimate, lower mids test.

Herbie Hancock - "Dis is da Drum" (hip-hop/jazz): highly cooked, wild imaging that should fool your ear (end of "Butterfly '99" with Hubert Laws flute), good, deep synth bass too.

Duke Ellington & Ray Brown - "This One's for Blanton" (jazz): simple piano and bass. Should be right there in the room with you if all is right.

Grace Jones - "Slave to the rhythm" (Pop): Extreme imaging! ("Don't Cry - It's only the Rhythm[?]); wild left right tricks plus a single triangle strike that tests high frequency response to somewhere around gamma radiation! ;-)

Lots more but can't think of them.

P.S., Bring a recording that SUCKS that you love; if it does not make your foot to tap or move you, forget what you're auditioning (not all recodings will be perfect and you got to get what will work for you on the majority of your recordings).

Good Luck!