cello music

I listen to mostly rock and Jazz...but I downloaded a song by Yo Yo Ma on Itunes just to check it out. I loved it. Can someone please recommend some vinyl or cd from this artist or other good cello recordings

Highly recommend the Brahms Cello Sonatas with Yo Yo Ma and Emmanuel Ax.

The recording is on RCA. You can also get it through the Music Heritage Society and the BMG Music Club. The recording is from 1985 and has never left the BMG Club catalog in those 21 years. I think there is a remastered version as well.

I have the Mercury Starker Bach Cello Suites on CD. Very nice.
Viola Da Gamba also....Get the CD from the fellow here on Audiogon that sells CD/SACD, etc...solo Viola Da Gamba, and its simply tremendous...I cant remember the info about it off hand...I think its made in the Netheralnds./
thanks for all the suggestions. I bought one on CD and ordered another recommendation on vinyl. Like I stated at the beginning of this thread....this is my first step into classical music. For some reason I find "simple" one type of instrument(cello, violin, piano) classical recordings very very enjoyable (in truth emotional)....I don't get this same feeling from "orchestra" style recordings. Also, sorry if I am butchering the classical terminology in this post.
Csmithbarc, if you have access to a local library, you might find that it has a selection of classical music CDs available to lend. Given the vast repertoire of classical music, borrowing some recordings from the library might be a good way to test what you may like.

Congratulations on beginning this exploration!
THe sountrack to Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon features Yo-Yo Ma and is excellent. One of my favorite CDs and it's recorded very well to boot...